Saturday, February 20, 2016

Day 14 - Scuba Diving in Thunatta gala - Hikkaduwa

"Thunatta Gala" is a... well.. that is just some rocks spread out in a large landscape. To be honest i wasn't a big fan of thunatta gala.

But to give you some information,

Its located near Hikkaduwa, 20min boat, 17m deep.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Day 11,12,13 - Open water diver course in Hikkaduwa

Phew!! Had to push ourselves beyond the limits to undergo 3 painful consecutive days of totally exhaustive rigorous underwater training towards the PADI certification and we totally nailed it in the end!

One thing we learnt is that It was not just about testing our diving skills but involves a great deal of patience, concentration and endurance in harsh environments under pressure.
Opened up a whole new world of wonderful & exciting adventures and really excited to get hold of our license and plan our next dive destinations here and around the world with my dive buddy Chula.

Our PADI instructor's name is Feroz. He works at Blue Deep diving center in Hikkaduwa ( and in Trincomalee too )

open water diving course hikkaduwa

open water diving training hikkaduwa

open water diving hikkaduwa blue deep diving center