Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 05 - Bit more from Seenigama

I paid another visit to seenigama for snorkeling. However it wasn't the perfect time. The visibility wasn't really good.

We spotted few large turtles surfacing. But they were little too shy, and i wasn't fast enough to go after them and take pictures for you guys :(

However I got some pictures of some corals,

This coral reef is located little closer to the shrine than the one i previously visited.

corals, snorkeling in seenigama

rowing boat, snorkeling in seenigama

corals, snorkeling in seenigama

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 04 − Snorkeling in Seenigama

Seenigama is a coastal village just about 2Kms northward to Hikkaduwa. The corals and lime stones near this area has been destroyed by the locals illegally for many years to manufacture lime. After the tsunami( 2004 ) that hit this area killing lot of locals, people began to regret about their activities and stopped the entire lime industry.

Now they are more concern about protecting it and promoting it for tourism. This diving center is located near seenigama shrine ( and there are several other places for snorkeling/diving as well ).

Snorkeling site here in seenigama is bit deeper than a usual snorkeling site. It's approximately 4-6 meters deep.

Water wasn't very clear today. So i'm thinking of doing the same here again in a better day.

Snorkeling in Seenigama
Riding the boat to the snorkeling site.

Snorkeling in Seenigama

Snorkeling in Seenigama

Coral and Fish, Snorkeling in Seenigama

Coral and Fish, Snorkeling in Seenigama

Coral, Snorkeling in Seenigama

Corals, Snorkeling in Seenigama
Progress of the re-flourishing corals after the tsunami

Seenigama Shrine
Seenigama Shrine

Underwater, Snorkeling in Seenigama

Underwater, Snorkeling in Seenigama

Dive seenigama, Scuba Diving and Snorkeling in Seenigama
"Dive seenigama" diving center

Day 03 − Hikkaduwa reef North border

My diving Buddy for today is Jeya. He is one of my friends from my previous work place ( eFutures pvt Ltd.  ).

Parrot Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa
Parrot fish

Coral Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Puffer Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Corals, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Lion Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Lion Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa
Lion Fish

Lion Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Coral Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Coral Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Coral Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Coral Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Coral Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Coral Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Sea Cucumba, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa
Jeya scaring off fish :)

Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Coral Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Parrot Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa
Parrot Fish

Parrot Fish, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Corals, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Corals, Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa

Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa
Natural staircase formed by the movement of waves

Please check this video switching into the 1080p HD mode ( )

Day 02 - Discovery divers

My diving buddy chula and i were PADI discovery divers at day01. We dived 15-20 meters deep so i did not take my camera with me. It is a Nikon AW120 and bears only a maximum of 15 meter depth.

Diving school was "Blue Deep" diving center. And they charged us only $60 each for the discovery.

Hikkaduwa Blue Deep divers, Scuba Diving School

Hikkaduwa Blue Deep divers Diving School
Surfacing after a 30min dive.

Hikkaduwa Blue Deep divers PADI diving School

Hikkaduwa Blue Deep divers PADI Discovery Diving School

Day 01 − Snorkeling in Hikkaduwa Reef

Hikkaduwa is a coastal & a tourism oriented town located in south-west of Sri lanka. Famous for its beautiful coral reef. My diving buddy for day1 is chula. He is one of my colleagues in my work place.

I've been snorkeling since i'm a kid, but the coral environment i saw many years back in hikkaduwa is not the same that we see now. Most of the corals are not alive because of an unusual behavior of the El'nino warm water currents happened about 10 years back. But it seems like to me that the coral is regaining its liveliness... but very slowly.

Corals in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Coral fish in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Corals in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Corals in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Coral fish in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Coral fish in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Coral fish in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Hikkaduwa snorkeling.
Chula diving towards me

Hikkaduwa snorkeling.
Well!!! its is me.

Corals in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Corals in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Corals in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Coral fish in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Coral fish in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Turtle in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.
This one is one of the green turtles in Hikkaduwa who is being very friendly with the people who visits her.

Turtles in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Turtle in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Turtle in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.

Turtle in Hikkaduwa captured by Snorkeling.
Ukrainian dude trying to hold her

Please view these videos switching in to the 1080p HD mode. ( and )